Why You Should Learn Coding ??

Why You Should Learn Coding ??

Why this is so fancy term around!?


3 min read

Hello, everyone Nomadev here, back with another blog on tech. Today we will be discussing the reasons why we should learn Coding. Coding is literally a new fashion all around. Have you ever wondered why it is becoming such a fancy term? This blog has all 5 reasons to resolve your query . So


1. Ample of Jobs, Skilled Coders are Less

Development jobs are literally everywhere, From small startups to very large product-based companies, everyone needs their business to scale up online. Undoubtedly the upcoming era is going to be the era of the internet, where the internet is going to be one of the basic needs of a human. So it is obvious that dev jobs will increase by leaps and bounds in the upcoming times.


2. Work Smart, Earn & Grow More

Software development is such a goldmine for smart developers. Being able to code is an increasing skill that will keep you essential in the future job market, and the salaries are great when working in tech. And your growth is directly proportional to how result-driven are you and how smartly you can work.


3. Have A More Flexible Work Schedule

Many coding jobs provide flexibility and independence. After the Corona outbreak, many organizations have started working remotely. Being able to work on the computer allows you to work from anywhere in the world with no hard cubicles and a 9-5 hectic schedule. I have also sound experience in working remotely, and I use to share tips and tricks on my Twitter handle too. For any queries, you can reach me there.


4. Become a great problem solver

Outside of the implications of coding which look good on a resume, coding actually does boost skills that are actually useful to most jobs. Problem solving and logic are the main two. Learning to code is like an exercise session for the “left” side of the brain.


5. Anyone can do it

Last but not the least, Unlike a lot of items on a position’s person specification, like a university degree, pretty much anyone can learn to code. It doesn’t take several years or cost thousands. In fact, it can pretty much be done online and from the comfort of your own home and can be learned flexibly around your other commitments.


You can also follow me on Twitter where I post daily threads on Programming, Guidance, Roadmaps, Open Source, and on Getting better remote job opportunities.


Here are a few

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